
Roles of chairman and chief executive

Question 1: Self-regulation by private industry is seen as necessary in preventing corporate crime. How can shareholders make a system of self-regulation work in practice?

Question 2: Describe the primary functions of a board of directors.

Question 3: Evaluate the value of stock options as a technique of motivating managers in the longer term.

Question 4: Describe the ways in which ownership in the modern corporation differs from traditional notions of ownership.

Question 5: Describe the anti-takeover devices used by organizations.

Question 6: Describe the different measures of corporation value.

Question 7: Should organizations have the freedom to combine the roles of chairman and chief executive?

Question 8: Describe the reasons for the raise in the number of independent outside directors on boards of directors.

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Other Management: Roles of chairman and chief executive
Reference No:- TGS04754

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