Roles and responsibilities of each member for the project

Your programming project will be to build a substantial database applicationfor a real-world scenario of your choosing. You will design a schema for the database, and youwill create an actual database using a relational database management system. You will populate thedatabase with sample data, write interactive queries and modifications on the database, create programsthat manipulate the database, and develop user-friendly tools for interacting with the database.You areresponsible for:

This proposal should include:

o A narrative description of the field chosen for the application being created. This should also include a description of the problem and addressing the weaknesses to be solved by the database.

o Identification of the information needs - what information is needed to help solve the problem.

o Initial list of entities (tables) that have been identified. This should come naturally from the above discussions.

o Roles and Responsibilities of each member for the project. List the names of each group member and what their primary role will be (e.g., systems analyst, application developer, documentation writer).


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