
Role of women and women empowerment in econ development


Topic: Role of women and women's empowerment in econ development.

Some Articles on Research Methodology

In relating Section 3 (Research Approach), here are some references of Articles talking about alternative research methodologies.

Baker, P.J. (1986). The helter-skelter relationship between teaching and research. Teaching Sociology, 14: 50-66.

Brew, A. (1999). Research and teaching: Changing relationships in a changing context. Studies in Higher Education, 24(3): 291-301.

Brew, A. (2003). Teaching and research: New relationships and their implications for inquiry-based teaching and learning in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development. 22(1): 3-18.

Brew, A. (2010). Imperatives and challenges in integrating teaching and research. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(2): 139-150.

Burke, L.A. & Rau, B. (2010). The research-teaching gap in management. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 9(1): 132-143.

Elton, L. (2001). Research and teaching: Conditions for a positive link. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(1): 43-56.

Harland, T. (2016). Teaching to enhance research. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(3): 461-472.

Guidelines of Writing Research Paper the writing style and basic rules:

1. Writing Style: The following general styles as guided by APA(www.apa.org)

a. Font size 12, Time New Roman, normal (not bold), double spaced, the first line of each paragraph of the paper must be indented to the right by 1 inch on the ruler, and no bold or italic except some quotation or highlighting certain important points or referenced comments by someone else.

b. Not to copy any one's writing of article/book/news clip used, except quoting with appropriate reference with parenthesis (to be discussed in the class)

c. Will explain in the class how to write the list of references and will also be posted in on-line supplement web.

d. Avoid writing: I, we, you, me, us, ours, etc.

e. Header of each page on the right corner should highlight the core subject of your topic/assignment (to be discussed in the class) and your name

f. The Length of each of the two research papers: 7 to 10 pages, not including reference list, cover page, abstract and table of contents.

In addition to the above guidelines for effective writing for effective writing of upper level academic paper, the following seven Cs are important to keep in mind.

2. The Seven Cs of Effective Writing

The following guidelines can help students with the 7 Cs of Effective Writing on assignments. Providing the 7 Cs is a useful way of instilling sound writing habits. Effective writing has the following seven characteristics:

1. Complete - Effective writing uses topic sentences, explanations, and supporting evidence. It has only one main idea in each sentence and one main idea in each paragraph.

2. Concise - Effective writing does not use unnecessary words, trite phrases, or redundancies.

3. Courteous - The tone of effective writing avoids demeaning or patronizing language, sexist or other offensive terminology, inappropriate humor, accusatory tone, terse wording, and imperative voice (expresses a request or demand).

4. Concrete - Active, right-branching sentences (sentences that start with a subject, followed by a verb and object) are characteristic of effective writing. Avoid abstract words whenever possible.

5. Clear - Effective writing is clear and unambiguous. Subjects and verbs agree, and pronoun antecedents are clear. In addition, the writing is free of jargon and slang.

6. Coherent- Organization is key to effective writing. Sentences should flow in a logical sequence and not "jar" the reader. Transitional elements should show the relationship of one idea to another.

7. Correct- Mechanically correct writing is a hallmark of effective writing. The writing must be mechanically correct with regard to spelling, grammar, usage, punctuation, and format.

Three Rhetorical Triangle of Critical Writing for Audience


Ethos ? Pathos

Logos: The appeal to logic; Greek for word

Basic Principles:

· A logical argument making a claim, supporting that claim with reasons, and backing up those reasons with scholarly evidence.

· This claim needs to be laid out clearly for the reader and should follow the conventions of the field in which you are writing.

Ethos: The appeal to credibility; Greek for Character

Basic Principles:

· Be knowledgeable about your issue

· Be fair and objective

· Build a bridge to your audience

Pathos: The appeal to beliefs and emotions; Greek for Suffering or Experience

Basic Principles:

· Use pathos to intensify the issue, not distract from it

· Use concrete language

· Use specific examples and evidence

Reference for more details:

Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings. Ramage, J., Bean, J., and Johnson, J. (2000, 6th edition); Seattle University Press.

The following steps to write a term paper is useful:

1. Topic Selection: Select a topic from the various issues discussed in the class in the field of economic development. You may also select your choice of topic from the issues you have already addressed in weekly assignments.

2. Make sure the topic your have selected is relevant to the subject and does fit to your areas of interest in the subject.

3. The title of the topic must make sense and gives your audience a clear idea about the issue and focus of your research paper.

4. Your Topic selection is your first step. Once you are settled with your topic (you may also change or modify the topic title after you finish your writing depending on what you have come up with your end results of the term paper), the following general organizational structure of your paper should follow:

-Introduction: includes your reason for the interest in the topic, its relevance with some examples of the issues, quotes from other writers in the same issue, importance and objective of your paper

-Literature Review: This section should include your study on this area published in different literature. You may sub-divide this section into different categories of areas you have studied and summarize the findings in your own critical words. Providing proper citations are very important in this section.

-Method of Analysis: This section will include the appropriate approach of your analysis of the paper in the next section. This approach could be qualitative, quantitative, or both depending on your time and resource constraints to take the right approach. This methodology will clearly state the model structure you will be using and how you will collect data/information with sources (primary or secondary and why). You will also justify your approach you have taken, given other alternatives you could have.

-Analysis: Based on your approach mentioned in the previous section, this section will be main contents of your paper. This section will cover your data/information, analytical approach, tables, graphs, etc.

-Conclusion: Your findings in the Analysis section will give you clue to draw the conclusion very briefly, which will also include your own remarks explaining how you have fulfilled your objectives in your Introduction Section at the outset.

The above section will be followed by your list of references.

The abstract (the summary of the entire paper) should be written after finishing your paper and must be placed on Page 1 of your paper. However, Your paper must have a cover page followed by table of contents before the page 1. I will go over that more details in the class.


Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research

By Nahid Golafshani

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