Big Questions of Public Administration - Group Paper
The concept of "Big Questions" is the idea that there are important issues that impact governance in the United States. During the quarter we have looked at a number of theoretical perspectives or "Big Questions." Many of them overlap in their concepts. These have included:
1. Should we strive for democracy or efficiency?
2. How do we motivate employees in the public sector?
3. Should government be focused on the good of the individual or of the group?
In an 8 to 10 double-spaced page essay, prepared on a group basis (instructor will assign groups), select between 2 and 3 of the theoretical perspectives we have discussed, outline the core issues and use examples from your workplaces to answer the question.
There are some resources:
Democracy's Road to Tyranny
Role of the Public Manager and Managing people
Theories: Normative - Role of Administrative State/Public Manager, Motivation theories, Public Service Motivation
Woodrow Wilson: The Study of Administration
Politics v Administration theory
Denhardt, R. and Denhardt, J. (2000). The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering. Public Administration Review, 60:6 EBSCO Business
Newbold- Constitutional role for Public Administration
Managing People
Fredrick Taylor- Scientific Management
Hawthorne Experiments
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
McGregor- Theory X and Y
Introduction to Ethics- A great introduction from the BBC
A short perspective from Santa Clara University
ASPA Code of Ethics--
Federal Ethics web site
NASPAA Public Service Values
Cooper, T. (2004). Big Questions in Administrative Ethics. Public Administration Review, 64:4. EBSCO/Business Source Premier
Carol W. Lewis (2006) In Pursuit of the Public Interest, Public Administration Review, 66:5, 694-701.
Sexual Harassment
CSUSB Title IX and Gender Equity
Decision Making - Dan Ariely
Public Administration and Society
By Richard C. Box