Assignment: The role of the IMF in the European Debt crisis
Write approximately 4 pages of 12 point font with standard spacing elements, typed single spaced.
So approximately 500 words / page, so+-2000 words in total.
- on the state of play: ie general economical crisis situation after 2008
- situation in Greece, Ireland, Portugal
- analyse the Greek situation, and the constraint they have had during the crisis, which are in the article;
- pro and cons of the Troïka ‘s (European Commission, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund) involvement and the way the crisis has been managed.
- critics regarding Troïka and IMF
- have in mind the Ireland case which successfully implemented the troika and IMF requirements;
Conclusion :
Their personal view on the whole situation, was the EU solidarity a good decision, or should we have let them step out form the Euro ?
Reference: The Troika and financial assistance in the euro area:successes and failures by Andre Sapir