
Role of the christian community




You will write a major paper for this course one module at a time over the eight weeks of the course. The paper covers the topic "My Emerging Model of Spiritual Formation." This paper will expose you to the required readings and viewings in the course as well as other outside materials that you locate. Writing the paper will develop your writing skills, your APA style usage skills, your ability to think biblically and practically about Christian leadership, and your critical thinking skills regarding the subject of spiritual formation. This particular assignment will prepare you to write your dissertation and equip you to submit acceptable writings for publication.


Based upon your previous readings and previously viewed PowerPoint and video presentations and especially Being Conformed to Christ (chs. 5-6) and the video presentation for this module, begin to explore your emerging understanding of the role of the Christian community (the body of Christ) in the spiritual formation process. Plan on writing 3 to 5 pages (double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font) and draw out any reading or course materials from previous modules that may be relevant to what you are writing in this section of your paper.Edit this portion of your paper for typos, spelling, and grammar. Be sure to make corrections to previously submitted portions so that you do not continue to receive point deductions for the same mistakes. You must follow current APA format as youwrite your paper.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

Attachment:- Emerging Model of Spiritual Formation.rar

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History: Role of the christian community
Reference No:- TGS03179802

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