
Role of refrigeration where food tends to spoil easily


Be sure to include your references in the text where applicable. Be sure you are not at risk of plagiarism.

Access to refrigeration can play a role in places where it's warm and food tends to spoil easily.

The paper is in a good direction. There is a need to proof-read and fine-tune the content to allow it to flow better. Try to minimize fillers, i.e., repetition and very very generic information.

Some statistics and figures would be useful to illustrate concepts or trends.

The paper could be enriched by:

1. Is there enough food produced globally to support the entire population?

2. If yes, then why is there malnutrition or famine?

3. Other than political instability and war (these causes are beyond science alone), what are the major contributing factors?

Reminder - no need to provide recommendation. The focus is to understand uneven distribution of food and why. Give it abit more and you'll be there.

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Other Subject: Role of refrigeration where food tends to spoil easily
Reference No:- TGS01979368

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