
Role of printing technology in spread of certain languages


Chapter: Language Variation

The readings introduce many concepts central to the study of applied linguistics. choose one concept (already chosen see below) from the readings and explain what it means. Then, give some examples of how this concept relates to or functions in your lives. In crafting your text, please adhere to the following guidelines:

• Begin by identifying your concept and explaining it. Assume that your readers are NOT familiar with this concept. It is your job to explain it.

Please use your own words in crafting your explanation. Do not quote from the text or another source. Writing your own explanation shows your instructor that you understand the concept.

• Give at least 1 examples of how this concept relates to or functions in your lives. In offering these examples, be sure to explain how they
illustrate the focal concept. Giving examples shows your instructor that you can apply your understanding of the focal concept to new situations.

In addition, be sure to:

• Limit your response to 250 words.

• Proper APA style

Chosen Concept: "The ideological process of standardization is underpinned by the metalinguistic process of codification, in which the norms of a privileged variety are established and perpetuated through print technology."

My advice: You can talk about the important role of printing technology in the spread of certain languages. Give some examples such as the Gutenberg Galaxy.


Language Ideology

Author: Kathryn A. Woolard

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English: Role of printing technology in spread of certain languages
Reference No:- TGS03196058

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