
Role of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase


1) Role of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in myopia and ocular axial growth. (0.5 page-1 page)

2) Role of retinoic acid in myopia and ocular axial growth. (0.5page -1 page)



5) Preventive measures for Myopia (1 page)

NOTE: write for these heading, include everything possible at cellular, subcellular and genetic level wherever important and needed. Page limit is written under each heading. This project is for Graduate level neurobiology course. (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROJECT IS NOT FOR UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL STUDIES)

These reference articles can be used for this project or other but most recent articles (not older than 2015).

Also do not forget citations.


1) Tatiana V. Tkatchenko, Rupal L. Shah, Takayuki Nagasaki and Andrei V. Tkatchenko. Analysis of genetic networks regulating refractive eye development in collaborative cross progenitor strain mice reveal new genes and pathways underlying human myopia. BMC Medical Genomics.2019; 12:113.

2) Daniel Ian Flitcroft, Mingguang He, Jost B. Jonas, Monica Jong, Kovin Naidoo, Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, JugnooRahi, Serge Resnikoff, Susan Vitale, and Lawrence Yannuzzi. Defining and Classifying Myopia: A Proposed Set of Standards for Clinical and Epidemiologic Studies (IMI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019; 10.1167.

3) Milly S. Tedja, Annechien E. G. Haarman, Magda A. Meester-Smoor, Jaakko Kaprio, David A. Mackey, Jeremy A. Guggenheim, Christopher J. Hammond, Virginie J. M. Verhoeven and Caroline C. W. Klaver. Myopia Genetics Report (IMI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019; 10.1167.

4) James S. Wolffsohn, Daniel Ian Flitcroft, Kate L. Gifford, Monica Jong, Lyndon Jones, Caroline C. W. Klaver, Nicola S. Logan, Kovin Naidoo, Serge Resnikoff, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Earl L. Smith III, David Troilo, and Christine F. Wildsoet. Myopia Control Reports Overview and Introduction (IMI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019;60:M1-M19.

5) Jiali Li, Qingjiong Zhang.Insight into the molecular genetics of myopia. Molecular Vision. 2017; 23:1048-1080.

6) Fei Zhao, Qingyi Zhou et al. Scleral HIF-1a is a prominent regulatory candidate for genetic and environmental interactions in human myopia pathogenesis. EBioMedicine .2020; 10:1016.

7) Pavan Kumar Verkicharla, Priyanka Kammari, Anthony Vipin Das. Myopia progression varies with age and severity of myopia. Plos One. 2019; 15(11)e0241759.

8) Ya Jun Wu, Na Wu, Xin Huang, Jie Rao, Li Yan, Ling Shi, Hui Huang, Si Yu Li, Fu Qing Zhou & Xiao Rong Wu. Evidence of cortical thickness reduction and disconnection in high myopia. Nature research. 2019; 10:16239.

9) Xiangjia Zhu1, Yu Du, Dan Li, Jie Xu, Qingfeng Wu, Wenwen He, Keke Zhang, Jie Zhu, Linying Guo, Ming Qi, Ailin Liu, Jiao Qi1, Guangyu Wang, Jiaqi Meng, Zhenglin Yang, Kang Zhang & Yi Lu. Aberrant TGF-β1 signaling activation by MAF underlies pathological lens growth in high myopia. Nature Communication. 2021; 10.1038/ s41467-021-22041-2.

10) Ian G. Morgan,Pei-Chang Wu,Lisa A. Ostrin, Willem L. Tideman,Jason C. Yam,Weizhong Lan,Rigmor C. Baraas,Xiangui He,Padmaja Sankaridurg,Seang-Mei Saw,Amanda N. French,Kathryn A. Rose,and Jeremy A. Guggenheim. Risk Factors for Myopia (IMI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(5):3.

11) Xiangtian Zhou, Machelle T. Pardue, P. Michael Iuvone, and Jia Qu. Dopamine Signaling and Myopia Development: What Are the Key Challenges. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 2017; 61: 60-71; 10.1016.

12) Tatiana V. Tkatchenko1, Andrei V. Tkatchenko. Pharmacogenomic approach to anti-myopia drug development: pathways lead the way. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2019; 10.1016.

13) Machelle T. Pardue, Amanda E. Faulkner, Alcides Fernandes, Hang Yin, Frank Schaeffe, Robert W. Williams, Nikita Pozdeyev, and P. Michael Iuvone. High susceptibility to experimental myopia in a mouse model with a retinal ON pathway defect. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008;10.1167.

14) Kyoko Ohno-Matsui,Pei-Chang Wu,Kenji Yamashiro,KritchaiVutipongsatorn, Yuxin Fang,Chui Ming Gemmy Cheung,Timothy Y. Y. Lai,Yasushi Ikuno, Salomon Yves Cohen,Alain Gaudric,and Jost B. Jonas. Pathologic Myopia (IMI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(5):5.

15) Jeffrey Cooper, and Andrei V. Tkatchenko. A Review of Current Concepts of the Etiology and Treatment of Myopia. Wolters Kluwer Health. 2018; 10.1097.

16) JánosNémeth, BeátaTapasztó, Wagih A Aclimandos, Philippe Kestelyn, Jost B Jonas, Jan-Tjeerd H N De Faber, Ingrida Januleviciene, Andrzej Grzybowski, Zoltán Zsolt Nagy, OlaviPärssinen, Jeremy A Guggenheim, Peter M Allen, Rigmor C Baraas, Kathryn J Saunders, Daniel Ian Flitcroft, Lyle S Gray, Jan Roelof Polling, Annechien EG Haarman, J Willem L Tideman, James Stuart Wolffsohn, Siegfried Wahl, Jeroen A Mulder, Irina Yurievna Smirnova, Marino Formenti, Hema Radhakrishnan and Serge Resnikoff. Update and guidance on management of myopia. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2021; 10.1177.

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24) Nir Erdinest, Naomi London, Haim Ovadia and Nadav Levinger. Nitric Oxide Interaction with the Eye. Vision. 2021;10.3390.

25) Miyake Y, Yagasaki K, Horiguchi M, Kawase Y, Kanda T. Congenital stationary night blindness with negative electroretinogram. A new classification. Archives of ophthalmology. 1986; 104:1013-1020.

26) Bech-Hansen NT, Naylor MJ, Maybaum TA, et al. Loss-of-function mutations in a calcium-channel alpha1-subunit gene in Xp11.23 cause incomplete X-linked congenital stationary night blindness. Nature genetics 1998; 19:264-267.

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Biology: Role of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase
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