
Role of microorganisms in degradation of pesticides and oil

Question 1:

Write down the different biological factors which influencing the survival and growth of microorganisms?

Question 2:

Illustrate out the interrelations of the microbial populations and community dynamics.

Question 3:

Illustrate the Zonation characteristics of the oceans.

Question 4:

Write down the various water-borne diseases arising because of faucal pollution? List the indicator organisms.

Question 5:

Illustrate out the various processes involved in treatment of sewage. Write down comprehensive note on the importance of microorganisms.

Question 6:

Illustrate out the role of microorganisms in degradation of Pesticides and Oil spills.

Question 7:

Illustrate out the microbiological deterioration of the paper and textiles and their prevention.

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Biology: Role of microorganisms in degradation of pesticides and oil
Reference No:- TGS011441

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