
Role of identity reconstruction in promoting reconciliation

Respond to each peer intial post with a response 3 to 4 sentences long:

Peer 1:

Forgiveness: A Bridge Across Abysses of Revenge

Donald W. Shriver Jr.

Article eight describes how the other side of the world; is holding a grudge for what America did to their country. Korea was left alone and was ignored in the aftermath of war. It appears the soldiers blasted civilians killing many. History is recorded through the penmanship of one hand at a time. As their minds absorb the events of the day and they transfer them through their hand they create the framework of history from one perspective, with their opinion interjected to the express the main idea of events past, history is written.

The Korea war seemed to have been a political tool within the grasp and boundaries between the Soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the north, and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. Everything comes out in the wash. It seems as though the political monsters are simply pointing fingers, to acquire position in the game of politics. To truly understand the needs and wants of any political fashion, we must understand the quest of the people of that community.

The Holocaust "forgotten but remembered" ( ), was a political movement, attempting to purify human DNA from a worked sense of unification of what was believed to be a stronger race. I think it was an attempt unjustified by the evil passions sewn together by one man, with one idea with no concern for anything or anyone else. It truly was a selfish act.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1996 with the adoption of Amnesty for Truth in South African parliament. They collected money building their trust and filled their coffers to do what apparently, seemed to be absolutely nothing. They monitored their funds as they exhausted them, while seeking out more. I searched and searched for a resolution of their accomplishment, only to find nada. It seems to me, they give a cards endlessly to advance to go, as they collect ed two hundred dollars, and allow the players continue the game.

With the curtain of fraud used as a drape as in an illusionist's act. What's really going on is the purchasing and selling of life crimes and our souls, by those who believe they can.

Peer2: The Role Of Identity Reconstruction in promoting Reconciliation:

"An acknowledgment of the identity of the other is perceived as an act of self-destruction, as recognizing the experiences of the other fundamentally brings into question one's own interpretation of history, the conflict, and of the responsibility one holds for the past, present, and future shared realities (Helmick pg. 129)." Once another person enters into the conflicting issue, the predominant leader of the conflict feels threatened. This is when they begin to realize that the other person's knowledge, skills, and history level of the conflict at hand, is more creditable than that of their own. The identity of the person and the background knowledge that they believed they knew is obsolete once the new party joins in on the views of the conflict. They begin to wonder and question themselves as if what they initially believed and concluded from the conflict then has to be false because the knowledge of the other party is more powerful than theirs. Not knowing that having different views and opinions is not a bad thing, it can bring people together once they begin to realize that everything is not one sided and there can be more than one conclusion.

To resolve this issue, Kelman can up with the idea of "negotiating identity", this is when both sides take in consideration the other's view points and identity level- in order to coexist and possibly, create a bond. It has been concluded, "[There are two aspects of identity, the "I" and the "Me." The "I" is the core identity, that which one cannot change...The second aspect is the part of the self that is socially constructed, the part that evolves as a consequence of our interaction with the world. This is the "ME," that which I will call the constructed identity(Helmick, pg. 131)]." In order to allow one self to not lose their identity during conflict, one must follow the constructed aspects of identity. The constructed identity is a long-term process, it occurs during social involvement and the interactions with others in the world. In order to resolve conflicting issues with other people, maintaining both parties identity level and viewpoints, all while reconciling their differences to come with a better conclusion and bond, one must engage with them and get to know each other from multiple stand points.

Peer 3:

Explain briefly how and if chronic health issues have an effect on the cos of operating a criminal justice organization. What is the best manner in which to reduce any said cost if you were asked to design a health benefit package.

If you work in or know of anyone who works in a criminal justice organization knows that shift work and high stress are the two things that you can always expect. Both of these can cause long lasting physical and mental health issues which can be costly not only for the person but the organization as well.

Police officers will work long hours and always be on shift work which rotates between days and nights. This can cause their circadian rhythm to be out of sorts. This can lead to officers sleeping on duty, use more sick time, higher rates of misconduct, and are at higher risk of injury and or death from lack of focus. Their lack of sleep also inhibits their ability to cope with the stress that they face every day. Any criminal justice employee will face physical and psychological stress every day they work. They always have to worry if the next person they come in contact with will try and take their life or force them to take a life. This chronic stress will most likely lead to chronic health issues which include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, stroke, and PTSD. There are ways that management can help to prevent these serious conditions.

Managers of criminal justice organizations should always be looking for ways to improve the health, morale, and welfare of their police officers. Employees should have access to education which addresses ways to improve their sleep and reduce stress. Such as, maintaining a regular exercise routing, eat healthy, avoid caffeine a few hours before going to sleep, and to seek professional medical help before either issue starts causing some of the previous listed conditions (Bond, 2014). If I was designing a health benefit package then I would offer incentives for passing an annual physical fitness test, which would include their BMI. I would also give them access to a professional nutritionist, mental health provider, marriage counselor, and a gym free of cost within the work place. All of these things will not only help to encourage a healthy lifestyle but it will also give them the necessary support to be successful.

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