
Role of groups in overcoming potential tyranny of majority



1. Besides the size of a group, what other considerations do you think would play a role in people's decisions to join a collective en¬deavor? Are you convinced that the size of a group is as important as Olson argues?

2. Think of your own decisions to join or not to join a group. Have you ever been a "free rider"? For example, have there been protests against tuition increases at your school that you supported but did not participate in? If so, what would it have taken to get you to join?

3. If Olson is right, would Tocqueville's view about the role of groups in overcoming the potential tyranny of majority need to be modified?

. The summaries need to be at least 1 full page in length, 12 or 11 pt. font, using a standard Times New Roman or Calibri font. Do not double space. I suggest single spacing, but do not go over 1.5 spacing.

· Summarize all of the supplemental (non-text book readings) that are assigned. This means you need to explain the overall "main idea" of the reading and key supporting deals used to discuss this main idea. Pay special attention to key terms, and how they are defined in the reading.

· Integrate material in the text book that addresses or relates to the main ideas in the supplemental readings.

· If you have more than one non- textbook reading assigned, compare and contrast the main ideas/arguments expressed in these readings.

· Offer a bit of critical analysis of the readings where it may be appropriate. Critique the readings' assumptions, use of supporting details, etc.. Do not simply "sound off" about the articles based on your unsupported opinion. If you agree or disagree with the reading, support it with an analysis of the strengths or weaknesses of the arguments presented in the reading.

· This is not a formal term paper so I am not requiring a works cited page or formal use of MLA or APA formats.


"The Logic of Collective Action" from The Rise and Decline of Nations

By Mancur Olson

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Other Subject: Role of groups in overcoming potential tyranny of majority
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