
Role of government in developing small scale industries

Answer the following questions.

Question1) Explain the term market orientation? Why must an entrepreneur go for market assessment?   

Question2) What do you mean by small scale Industries? Write down the characteristics of SSIs.   

Question3) Explain human factor? Describe its importance in SSE.               

Question4)  Make a business plan for opening the travel agency/tour operator company in your area.

Question5) How do families control the firm? Describe the issues and problems in family business.     

Question6) Explain the stages in tourism product design.   

Question7) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of proprietorship.                                         

Question8) What is the meaning of  business plan? Write down the common errors in business plan formulation?                                         

Question9) What do you mean by financial planning? Explain its importance for small business in India.

Question10) How is the opportunity identified? Describe the alternate fields of self employment.

Question11) Describe the role of Government in developing and promoting small scale industries.

Question12) Explain the following in detail:            

a) SWOT analysis.

b) Break-Even analysis.

c)  Market orientation.

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Other Management: Role of government in developing small scale industries
Reference No:- TGS02535

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