1. According to Lavoie, Mutual Fun is Rite-Solutions' "Innovation Engine" (TE). Its function, he says, is two fold: (1) It generates the good ideas that "fuel a Web 2.0 environment," and (2) it "engages the Y Generation to strive for the betterment of the organization." What is a Web 2.0 environment? What is the Y Generation? Do you work, or are you likely to be working, in a Web 2.0 environment? What do you think you need to learn in order to succeed in such an environment? Are you a member of the Y Generation? What values do you have that reflect Y Generation values?
2. According to one researcher on the role of gamification in business, the difference betweern a product created in a factory and one that is crowd sourced is that in the former case, coordination is supplied by managers. In the latter case, it is provided by a structure that emerges spontaneously through the actions of the crowd.