
Role of culture in fostering entrepreneurship-essay write

MGT6252 Essay title (2500-3000 Words)

Choose ONE of the following titles for your essay:

1. Critically evaluate the role that culture plays in fostering entrepreneurship.
2. Critically evaluate the success of Asian economies in fostering entrepreneurship.
3. Critically evaluate the challenges that policy makers face in fostering entrepreneurship in transition economies.



The module examines the nature of entrepreneurship and economic development and explores why some regions and localities are more entrepreneurial and innovative than others. Examining examples of good practice in entrepreneurship/innovation, the module also considers localities which lag behind in terms of entrepreneurship and explores the causes and consequences of this. Drawing on relevant academic literature, the module will explore the different policy approaches which have been taken to try to foster higher levels of entrepreneurship. The module will enable students to understand the wider role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the economy and the economic and social implications of high or low rates of entrepreneurial activity.


On successful completion of this unit, a student will be able to:

1) understand and critically apply core theories and concepts in entrepreneurship and economic development;

2) critically evaluate the implications of high or low rates of entrepreneurship on economies;

3) demonstrate a critical awareness of different policy approaches which aim to harness higher rates of entrepreneurship in different countries;

4) critically analyse and interpret the effects of public policy in different empirical contexts on entrepreneurship; and,

5) communicate effectively using a variety of forms within both individual and group-based assignments.


Lectures will provide a challenging and stimulating introduction to the different topics covered within the module. This will then be supported by a detailed MOLE site to provide support material and weekly readings for students to undertake to aid their understanding of the topics covered. The critical perspective adopted through the lecture sessions will encourage students to look further into the topics outlined. 

The associated seminars will provide the opportunity to explore different examples of entrepreneurial economies in more detail and enable students to critically evaluate a range of case studies and projects. The seminars will be based around specific readings and discuss material covered in lectures as well as incorporating class based tasks and activities. 


The module combines lectures and tutorials. The following list sets out the indicative content of the module:

Session 1: Introduction – Entrepreneurship and economic development

Session 2: The archetypal entrepreneurial economy

Session 3: Geographical disparities in entrepreneurial activity

Session 4: Entrepreneurship in Transition economies

Session 5: Entrepreneurship in Asia

Session 6: Entrepreneurial Europe

Session 7: Reading week

Session 8: Entrepreneurship in crisis economies

Session 9: Informal entrepreneurship

Session 10: Corruption and entrepreneurship


Incorporating a formative assessed group presentation (30% of module mark) and a summative individual essay (70% of module mark), the assessments will encourage students to demonstrate knowledge about different entrepreneurial regions and associated debates. 

The essay 

For the essay, students will be asked to critically evaluate an entrepreneurial economy and analyse how entrepreneurship has been fostered and/or hindered, for example by examining the environmental conditions (including the economy, public policy) and the role of individual entrepreneurs/innovators. The intention is that the essay will primarily assess the students understanding of core theories and concepts in entrepreneurship and economic development by getting them to engage with different debates and different empirical examples. A primary aim is to critically link relevant theoretical and conceptual debates with relevant empirical examples to develop a critical argument. The title for the essay will be provided to students mid-way through the module. The word count for the essay is 2,500. The deadline date for the essay is 4pm, Thursday 11thDecember. You will need to hand one copy in at the Student Experience Office and submit one copy via Turnitin on the MOLE site. 

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