
Role of creative expression in communicating


First: Read this entire prompt so you understand what is asked of you.

To complete this exam, you must watch the film Her. As you watch, please have a pencil and paper so you can take notes/note the time and place of moments you want to quote/cite.

Most of the things we have studied this semester have been different ideas or aspects of what it means to be human. Your final exam asks you to consider contemporary and even futuristic representations of humanity.

The film Her really challenges us to think about what makes us human and how we choose to interact with the world. Remember that it is not a movie review - we are not looking for your likes/dislikes about the movie. There are specific questions to try and answer.

Her LMS Link

If you still have difficulty accessing the film, please visit the HCC Library and locate the Swank Database- you will need to log in with your HCC credentials.

Note: the film is also currently available on Netflix if you prefer to view it there.

You must be logged into Canvas to view the film. The film is approximately 2 hours long. Once you have viewed the film, you will be prepared to compose a written response (see below).


• Length: Minimum of 3 but no more than 5 pages, MLA format for short papers (double space, 12 pt font either Times New Roman or Calibri, 1 inch margins)

• This must be submitted either as a Word document or PDF

• Refer directly to specific moments in the film in your answer to illustrate your thinking

• Question and challenge social, cultural, and aesthetic issues in the film

• Reflect on the role of creative expression in communicating what it means to be human

• You must use and cite at least 2 readings from Being Human - Note: while in-text citations are required, a Works Cited page is not required

• Please remember that this assignment will be submitted to Unicheck - it is important that you submit your own, honest work


In a well-organized essay, compare the idea of what it means to be human using the film, Her, and comparing that idea against another example from another work of art (painting, photography, poem, literature, film, etc.) with the goal of creating your own definition of contemporary human experience. Make sure to address the diverse nature of the human experience (given factors such as time, culture, setting, or medium). Using at least 2 readings from your Being Human text, explain how your ideas connect to themes from throughout the semester.

In the body of your essay:

• Consider the connections between the themes in this film and selections from Being Human.

• Reflect upon how this contemporary/futuristic search for meaning relates to works of art from other time periods.

• Identify what three challenging and thoughtful questions you would ask Spike Jonze or the protagonist, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), if you could. Why do you think these questions matter?

In your conclusion, reflect upon how your understanding of the human experience has been challenged, deepened, or changed.

You should make sure that you:

• Answer the questions in the prompt

• Provide a thesis in your introduction

• Proofread your essay to eliminate errors

• Cite direct places in the film to explain your thinking

• Connect to themes from throughout the semester

• Use and cite at least 2 of your readings from Being Human

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Humanities: Role of creative expression in communicating
Reference No:- TGS03196980

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