
Role of counsellor in the practice session to demonstrate


Students are to take the role of counsellor in the practice session to demonstrate the application of one of the counselling modalities presented in this unit with a real but non-traumatic issue presented by the client. The critical evaluation essay provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their practice by reviewing and evaluating the practice session.


1a. Practice session

The 30 minute practice session is to be recorded using audio-visual equipment (sound and visual image). Audio-visual equipment is set up in the on-campus counselling rooms, which must be booked. Students can also record their practice session with their own equipment.

Students must seek informed, written consent from the client to record and submit the session for assessment. Use theClient/Interviewee Consent Formlocated in A-Z forms on the ACAP current student website. Retain the copy of the completed consent form in the client file at least until you have graduated from the course. For the purpose of this assignment the client must be 18 years or older.

Record the practice session.At the beginning of the recording state your name, the unit, the term, year, and the name of your lecturer.

In the practice session students are expected to demonstrate counselling skills and processes to assist the client to explain and explore the presenting issue. Students should also demonstrate appropriate application of skills specific to the selected counselling modality being demonstrated in this practice session. Students will receive feedback on:

  • Demonstrated ability to present a cohesive and purposeful counselling session, including appropriate opening and closing
  • Demonstrated respect for, and rapport with, the client
  • Demonstrated use of active listening skills, including attentive nonverbal behaviour
  • Establishing and communicating empathy
  • Demonstrated ability to identify and definethe client's presenting issue
  • Appropriate, purposeful and timely use of paraphrasing, reflecting and/or summarising
  • Appropriate, purposeful and timely use of open and closed questions
  • Unit Outline: COUN5201-Counselling Skills and Models 8 Last updated: Trimester 3 2018
  • Appropriate, purposeful and timely use of skills specific to the selected counselling modality
  • Demonstrated ability to work within an ethical framework

1b. Critical evaluation

The critical evaluation essay is to be written formally for the academic context. In writing the essay, students should examine their practice in light of counselling theory and practice and also in reference to the counselling modality underpinning the specific skills selected and demonstrated in the practice session.

The examination of your practice will need to include:

  • Brief summary of the session, and rationale provided for selection of the counselling modality demonstrated in the practice session
  • Identification and definition of counselling skills and processes, including skills specific to the selected counselling modality, used in the session, supported by relevant academic literature
  • Examinations of how each counselling skill or process, including skills specific to the selected counselling modality, were demonstrated within the context of the session, using verbatim examples of the interactions (i.e. what you said and the client said)
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of these skills and processes, including skills specific to the selected counselling modality,by observing the client's responses to the interventions, and suggestions for improvement with verbatim examples
  • Quality and coherence of critical evaluation of the session as a whole
  • Reflection on personal learning from this assessment and goals for improving effectiveness in the future
  • Comprehension and effective use of relevant academic literature from credible sources to support the evaluation

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HR Management: Role of counsellor in the practice session to demonstrate
Reference No:- TGS03037209

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