
Role of cost accountant-quotation price for a tender

Question 1: What do you mean by the term single costing? In what industries is it employed?

Question 2: Explain the role of the cost accountant in finding out the quotation price for a tender.

Question 3: Define the objects of the cost sheet. Give a specimen of cost sheet pointing out clearly the headings and significant items supplying imaginary figures.

Question 4: Write brief notes on:

a) Tender price
b) Work-in-progress
c) Production Account.

Question 5: The cost structure of an article the selling price of which is Rs. 45,000 is as shown below:

Direct Materials 50%
Direct Labor 20%
Overheads 30%

A raise of 15% in the cost of materials and 25% in the cost of labor is anticipated. These raised costs in relation to the present selling price would cause a 25% decrease in the amount of present profit per article. Prepare:

a) A statement of profit per article at present.

b) The revised selling price to produce the similar percentage of profit to sales as before.

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Cost Accounting: Role of cost accountant-quotation price for a tender
Reference No:- TGS08473

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