
role of consumers in distribution reformin the

Role of Consumers in Distribution Reform

In the reforms procedure, mandatory metering for all consumers is being implemented.  Consumers should implement this measure. Public awareness campaigns for compliance of billing and avoid of theft, use of energy efficient equipment and appliances have been carried out to include the consumers in the reform process. Consumers need to be educated and made aware of the realities of the power sector economics and the revenue cycle so as to ensure better compliance and thereby reducing the resistance. They also need to be encouraged to take part in public hearings of SERCs and also give suggestions on their draft regulations. This will help them in discharging their responsibilities for metering, bill payments, energy conservation and etc. in an effective way.

By tariff fixation has been depoliticised to the extent in which the Government no longer has a role in it, political pressures still exist. It is hoped in that the problem is of the transition period. The Regulatory Commissions have formed consumer service benchmarks that utilities have to follow. The consumers shall be aware of these developments to be able to demand good quality and reliable electricity from the Utility.

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Electrical Engineering: role of consumers in distribution reformin the
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