
Role of communication in promoting diversity awareness


Learn about diversity understanding, awareness and skills through a practical exercise which culminates in a final 5 to 7 page paper promoting diversity at the individual, community, and even global level. Because communication is a vital skill in promoting diversity awareness, this written project is expected to be thoughtful, well-organized, and well-written. Students may wish to consult with the Effective Writing Center and Information and Library Services for guidance.

The Personal Action Plan will consist of a written final product in which the following items are addressed:


• Reason(s) for taking the course?

• What are at least two ways in which my "diversity awareness" has been affected by taking this class?

• What are at least two ways in which my "diversity understanding" has been affected by taking this class?

• What are at least two ways in which my "diversity skills" have been affected by taking this class?

• What are at least two steps that I need to take to become a more diversity conscious individual?


What are at least three specific benefits that I will gain from valuing diversity? Support your response with evidence from your text and/or other materials (e.g. personal journals and Discussion posts, in-class presentations, external sources)


• What is the role of communication in promoting diversity awareness? Provide in-text citations from your text and/or other external sources. Use APA format.

• What are at least two ways in which I will improve my communication skills to help others work more productively with me?


What are at least two of my most important diversity goals for the future?


• What are three specific ways I will achieve my diversity goals and contribute to creating an environment that values diversity? (Specify whether contributions will have a personal, community or global impact)

• What resources will I need to honor these commitments?


• Writing is clear, concise and comprehensible

• Errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, syntax, grammar, etc. are minimal and do not detract from the author's meaning

• In-text citations and references are properly cited using APA style (for assistance with APA style, consult Information and Library Services)


• Length: Your report will be 5 to 7 double spaced pages in length, not including the title page or reference page

• Font: 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman

• Margins: 1 inch on all sides

• Pagination: Page numbers should be included on every page except the title page.

• Title Page: Should include the title of your report and your name centered on the page.

• References: Your last page should list all of the sources you have used in alphabetical order and in APA format.

• Citations: Remember to cite any language, information or ideas that are not your own in order to avoid plagiarism. In-text citations and references should be in APA format.

• Tone: This is a formal written assignment. Avoid using jargon, slang, contractions or colloquialisms.

• Syntax: Grammar, spelling, capitalization and sentence construction are important. Always proofread your work!

• Resources: Students are encouraged make use of the UMUC Effective Writing Center as well as Information and Library Services when preparing their Personal Action Plans.

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