
Role of central to current industrial relations theory


Question 1. Leadership/management style is situational and it is important to consider,

a. The business environment

b. The organisation's culture

c. The organisation's structure and strategy

d. All of the above

Question 2. The employment relationship is created when a person sells their labour, which is really their potential capacity to work.

a. True

b. False

Question 3. Membership of Trade Unions in Australia over recent years has:

a. Declined

b. Increased

c. Remained static

d. Been unstable

Question 4. Managerial prerogative has increased due to,

a. Increased technology

b. Higher economic growth

c. Declining union involvment

d. Increased knowledge work

Question 5 .Employee relations is about:

a. Employers and unions.

b. Employees and managers.

c. Unions and employer associations.

d. Employers and tribunals.

Question 6. The role and behaviour of management is central to current Industrial Relations theory and practice.

a. True

b. False

Question 7. There are direct and indirect forms of employee voice which can be initiated by the employee and the employer.

a. True

b. False

Question 8 Examples of voice and representation mechanisms include, Internal emails, intranet posts, upward communication  Employee  representation on company boards Joint consultative committees and trade unions All of the above

Question 9 Hard HR is about:

a.  Communication systems at work.

b.  Human resources and costs.

c.  Achieving negotiated outcomes at work.

d.  Reward systems at work.

Question 10 Telework allows employees to work from home by utilising technology to allow networking and access to resources.

a. True

b. False

Question 11. Industrial relations is about:

a.  The activities of HR managers at work.

b.  A focus on internal workplace relationships.

c.  Collective processes engaged in by employees and control over the employment relationship.

d.  Organised groups of employers lobbying governments.

Question 12. Human resource management consists of managing people through selection, training, appraisal and rewards.

a. True

b. False

Question 13. Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo are pioneering theorists in the area of People Management?

a. True

b. False
Question 14. The unitarist perspective sees that employers and managers have common objectives and seek to eradicate conflict.

a. True

b. False

Question 15. Normative reasons are standard behavioral reasons for joining, such as feeling obligated.

a. True

b. False

Question 16. The three key parties to the Employment Relationship include;

a. Employees and Unions; Employers and Associations; State

b. Employees; Customers; Government

c. Employees; Unions; Stakeholders

d. Employers; Government; Shareholders
Question 17. The unitarist perspective sees that employees and managers have common objectives and seek to eradicate conflict.

a. True

b. False
Question 18. The proposition that there is a focus of loyalty and unity in organisations characterises which of the following three

a. perspectives:

b. Unitarist

c. Pluralist

d. Radicalist

e. All of the above

Question 19. Managerial prerogative is a scientific system of management articulated by Fredrick Taylor in 1911.

a. True

b. False

Question 20. An employee is a person or organisation who offers wages/salary in return for labour and/or expertise

a. True

b. False

Question 21. Which of the following is a characteristic of recent developments in the organisation of work in Australia?

a. Increased long term employment

b. Increased knowledge work

c. An increase in workforce participation in unions

d. An increase in wages

Question 22. Employee voice is:

a.  Workers' involvement in enterprise bargaining.

b.  An employer suggestion scheme.

c.  Employees being enabled to have input regarding work activities and decision making at the workplace.

d.  Workers electing delegates to speak for them at union meetings.
Question 23 Contemporary business problems for employers may include,

a. The difficultly of aligning people with the current business strategy

b. The difficulty of keeping up with the rapid rate of changing technology

c. The difficulty of keeping up with new competitors entering the market

d. All of the above

Question 24. Australian workplace agreements were a new type of agreement between an employer and an individual employee introduced in the Workplace Relations Act 1996.

a. True

b. False
Question 25. Because of pay exploitation, international students are forced to;

a. Earn more money

b. Receive flexible benefits

c. Work shorter shifts

d. Work extra hours

Question 26. Umbrella strategies are long-term objectives and policies developed by the ACTU on behalf of the trade union movement.

a. True

b. False

Question 27. Features of the employment relationship include,

a. Mutual responsibilities

b. Multifaceted continuous relationship

c. Cooperation and conflict

d. All of the above

Question 28. According to Forbes (2015) three of the workplace trends include,

a. Continuous job searches, mobile hiring, social media

b. Government capacity, social media, technology

c. Technology, ageing population, industrial trends

d. Competition, economic growth, social media

Question 29. Professionals Australia is:

a.  An industry body for employment of professionals.

b.  An employer association for employers who employ professionals.

c.  A trade union for engineers, scientists, managers and pharmacists.

d.  An employment agency for Australian professionals.

Question 30. What actions could you take as an employee if you were treated unfairly in the workplace?

a. All answers are correct

b. aTalk to a Union Representation

c. Seek independent advice (Fair Work Commission - Ombudsman)

d. Talk to your HRM manager

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Business Management: Role of central to current industrial relations theory
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