1. Coca cola company Select a publicly traded company for which an Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER) was published on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website in the past two years.
Submit the company name to the instructor for approval.
Please note that each student must research a different company. After obtaining instructor approval, review all AAERs published during the five-year period and SEC Complaint relating to this company during the past five years, as well as information available on the company's Investor Relations website to evaluate the following items.
1. Ethics, accounting, and legal issues involved in the AAERs and SEC Complaint.
2. Role of accountants in recognizing and assessing ethical issues when performing audits of financial statements, management accounting, internal auditing, and not-for-profit accounting.
3. Ethics requirements of the Board of Accountancy for the State in which you intent to pursue CPA licensure.