
Role and influence of women in the movement the research

Role and Influence of Women in the Movement

The research paper must be a minimum of 12 - 15 pages (does not include title page and bibliography and notes) and focus on a topic directly related to the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Excellent research papers will adhere strictly to the required format and utilize primary data and/or information from personal interviews, archival information and data, and the collection and analysis of census data and public polls and surveys conducted by organizations such as Gallop and Mason-Dixon. The instructor will communicate early in the semester regarding your assignment and the required details of the research paper.

An important component of the research paper is the review of literature, which systematically discusses scholarly and other literature relevant to the project. All research papers must employ a minimum of 10 peer reviewed journal articles. The research paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, with margins of 1 inch. You are expected to use footnotes wherever appropriate (review University rules on plagiarism), in conformity with one of the recommended standards for the documentation of scholarly work (e.g., MLA, APA, University of Chicago, Turabian). The Hacker pocket volume is assigned specifically to provide guidance in this regard.

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History: Role and influence of women in the movement the research
Reference No:- TGS0987985

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