
Roduce an annotated bibliography of five sources that will

Annotated Bibliography: Assignment Description

Topic capital punishment

Assignment: Produce an Annotated Bibliography of five sources that will help you write your research paper. (See handout on Annotated Bibliographies posted on iCollege)


Assume you are writing this bibliography for fellow students who share your interest in the topic chosen.


Writing an Annotated Bibliography demonstrates:
Your understanding of the arguments/points raised in the sources chosen
That the sources chosen are reliable representations for your topic
Annotated Bibliographies can also serve as a guide for future researchers.

Each entry in your annotated bibliography - the bibliographical information plus the annotation - should take up about at least ½ of a page.
Bibliographies that are too short will receive grades that reflect that fact.
Source Requirements:

The requirements for the sources used in your bibliography are the same as the source requirements for your research paper.

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Dissertation: Roduce an annotated bibliography of five sources that will
Reference No:- TGS02364885

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