
Robert solomon once said business ethics in none less than

Robert Solomon once said, "Business ethics in none less than the full awareness of what one is doing, its consequences and complications. Thinking about ethics in business is no more than acknowledging that one has taken these into account and is willing to be responsible for them. It is being aware of

1. The need for compliance with the rules, including the laws of the land, the principles of morality, the customs and expectations, the poilicies of the company and such general concerns as fairness;

2. The contributions business can make to society, through the value and quality of one's products or services, by way of the jobs one provides for workers and managers, through the prosperity and usefulness of one's activities to the surrounding community;

3. The consequences of business activity, both inside and outsider the company, both intended and unintended, including the reputation of one's own company and industry..."

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Operation Management: Robert solomon once said business ethics in none less than
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