
Ritual situation can be described as a socially defined

Ritual Situation Exercise

Ritual Situation can be described as a socially defined occasion that triggers a set of interrelated behaviors that occur in a structured format and have symbolic meaning.  Rituals can be private or public.  They usually and commonly involve family members with heavy expectations placed upon them.  For example, religious holidays often involve family gatherings, meals, certain types of food, purchase of clothing, etc. Rituals are the activities that we engage in on a regular basis based upon expectations placed upon us within society and family.  Some people love the rituals of religion, holidays, special occasions, etc. while other people dread certain events yet participate because of pressure placed upon them within society and family units.

Most families have some set traditions that follow a certain holiday.  I want you to think about how your family or social group interacts within a specific ritual environment.  Most social groups have established rituals within a certain environment.

Select two of the following examples of ritual events/holidays where you or your family has established rituals and traditions. 

Select two of the following examples of ritual events/holidays where you or your friends and/or social group have established rituals and traditions. 

  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • Any religious holiday
  • Or simply attending church on a regular basis
  • Valentine's Day
  • Halloween
  • Fourth of July
  • Memorial Day
  • Family Vacation
  • Family Birthday
  • Sporting event
  • Concert
  • Entertainment venue
  • Casino
  • Road trip with friends (boys weekend in Vegas!!) (girls weekend in Vegas!!)
  • Friday night date - coffee with a hottie!!
  • Weddings
  • Funerals
  • Baby Shower
  • Wedding Shower
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Bachelor Party
  • Event with friends or other rituals unique to you or your family

Discuss in detail, both positive and negative, the expectations placed on these traditions includinganswering each of the following questions:

  • How does your behavior change when you are with individual family members vs. your entire family at a gathering?
  • How does your behavior change when you are with your best friend vs. a group of friends?

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Business Management: Ritual situation can be described as a socially defined
Reference No:- TGS02868906

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