
Rite a java program for a toy car application this car

Write a java program for a Toy Car Application. This Car Control can be used to command a electric toy car to power on, power off, go fast, slow down, turn left and turn right. Create an interface "Controllable" which specifies the following abstract methods: void powerOn(); void powerOff(); void turnRight(); void turnLeft(); void goFaster(); void slowDown(); Define an ElectricCar class that implements the following methods: void powerOn () This method sets a flag to indicate the car is powered on void powerOff () This method sets a flag to indicate the car is powered off. void turnRight() Turns the car by 5 degrees to the right. void turnLeft() Turns the car by 5 degrees to the left void goFaster () Commands the car to move forward and increase the car speed by 2 mph. void slowDown () Commands the car to reduce the speed by 2 mph. String toString() Override this method to output the car information. Use the following main method to test your program: public class ElectricCarApp { public static void main(String[] args) { Controllable toy = new ElectricCar(); toy.powerOn(); toy.goFaster(); toy.turnLeft(); System.out.println(toy); toy.turnLeft(); System.out.println(toy); toy.slowDown(); System.out.println(toy); toy.powerOff(); toy.turnRight(); System.out.println(toy); } } Expected Output: car travels in 355 deg at the speed of 2 mph car travels in 350 deg at the speed of 2 mph car is stopped car is powered off.

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Basic Computer Science: Rite a java program for a toy car application this car
Reference No:- TGS02302645

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