
Risks involved in bidding projects in foreign countries

Objective: To engage diverse students in assessing the risks involved in bidding projects in foreign countries. Each student team will be provided to consider and answer the essential question: “should you bid on this project?”.

Methodologies for Groups to Operate:

1) Each student will prepare its own report on the topic and submit it.

2) Each student will prepare a power point presentation (to include questions and answers) of their findings and conclusions.

Assignment Outcome:

1) Ability to gain insights into identifying risks involved in bidding international work.

2) Creativity is required on writing/answering is homework.

3) Be able to answer the essential question: “Should you bid on this project?” considering the following factors:

o Client

o Local Regulations (Safety, Labor, Environmental, etc.)

o Country Economics

o Political Environment

o Project Financing

o Social/Religious Characteristics

o Procurement (materials, supplier, subcontractors) Issues

o Competition

o Other factors that you feel are relevant

Submission: The paper must follow the following formatting:

1. 10-15 page report (12 pt. double spaced)

a. Provide an in depth analysis for each of the above factors and rate each using a stop light indicator (red, yellow, green) and provide your final decision (to bid or not to bid).

b. Provide a summary explaining the way(s) you answered .(<1 page)

c. Describe the challenges you faced while working on a multi-national project including the pros and cons and any lessons learned. (<=1 page)

2. Power Point presentation

a. Details on Power Point. The idea is for each student to present their findings and to critique.

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Project Management: Risks involved in bidding projects in foreign countries
Reference No:- TGS01238208

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