
risc architecture - computer

RISC  architecture - computer architecture:

What is reduced regarding it? The answer of this question is that to make all instructions the equal length the number of bits that are used for the opcode is reduced. Accordingly fewer instructions are provided. The instructions that were thrown out are the less significant string and BCD (binary-coded decimal) operations. Acutely, now that memory access is limited there aren't various kinds of MOV instructions or ADD instructions. Therefore the previous architecture is called CISC (Complete Instruction Set Computer). RISC architectures are also known as LOAD/STORE architectures.

The number of registers in RISC is typically 32 or more. The first the MIPS 2000 and RISC CPU has 32 GPRs as different to 16 in the 68xxx architecture and 8 in the 80x86 architecture. The only disadvantage of RISC is the code size of it. Typically more instructions are required and there is a waste in short instructions (POP, PUSH).



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Computer Engineering: risc architecture - computer
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