Rienzi farms grows sugar cane and soybeans on its 500 acres

Rienzi Farms grows sugar cane and soybeans on its 500 acres of land. An acre of soybeansbrings a $1000 contribution to profit; an acre of sugar cane has a contribution of $2000. Because ofa government program no more than 200 acres may be planted in soybeans. During the plantingseason 1200 hours of planting time will be available. Each acre of soybeans requires 2 hours,while each acre of sugar cane requires 5 hours. The company seeks maximum contribution(profit) from its planting decision. Formulate the problem as a linear program (define decisionvariables, objective function and constraints).

Solve the following problem using Solver. Describe the solution. Save Sensitivity report.

Max Profit = X1 + 2X2              

Subject to:               

X1 + 2.5 X2 LE 600                

X1 + X2       LE 500                 

X2               GE 300                  

'X1 GE 0                   

X2 GE 0            

If the first constraint went up by 10, how much the profit will change?

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Operation Management: Rienzi farms grows sugar cane and soybeans on its 500 acres
Reference No:- TGS01518995

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