
Rewrite the given case again and talk in positive waythe


The lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali is a modern book that depicts the life of Prophet Muhammad and his lifestyle. It looks at the manner in which he lived his life and some of the decisions that he made. However, many other authors who have written about the life of Prophet Muhammad but Kecia Ali bring out the unspoken perspective that many people hardly notice. She shies away from describing the truth spoken by anti-Muslims and Muslims alike. On the contrary, she analyses both factions of the narrations and tells the story of Muhammad in a new light.

The focus of this paper, therefore, is to look at the analysis of the book by Kecia Ali. It will look at some of the arguments that she has that leads her to make that conclusion. It will also include evidence to support them and its contributions to similar books in the field.
Analysis of the lives of Muhammad

Islam refers to Prophet Muhammad as the founder of the religion. He the son of Allah and lived his life on earth for a several years. In early history books of the subject, Prophet Muhammad lived an extraordinary life. He fought wars in Jeddah and got an acclamation for his fights. He also married and lived a ‘normal' life. However, he married many women and current historians portray him as adulterous. Additionally, his younger wife A'isha was only six when he married her. In modern analysis, his actions of marrying her has publicly made him to be a paedophile. Additionally, current authors accuse the prophet of being the prophet of war. He encouraged wars when he lived on earth several centuries ago.

However, the most interesting analysis of the accusations of modern authors differ from the ones of past authors. As mentioned above, there has been numerous writings to show the life of the Prophet. However, most of the past authors did not mention any objection to marrying A'isha. Most of the authors simply omitted that aspect in the bibliographical documentation of his life. Kecia brings out this difference in perspective and analysis in her book. In page sixty, the author argues about how the different authors have different documentation of the same important aspect of his life (Kecia, 2014). The differences show how people understand different truths.

Furthermore, the different truths by modern and past authors have played a role in understanding the Prophet. Past literature illustrates the prophet as a hero who won battles and war. It also depicts him as caring to the needs and lives of the people of Islam. However, modern literature contrasts greatly with earlier analysis. His personal life has become the center of discussions. Modern authors argue about his decisions to take on a younger wife and many other wives after the death of his first wife, K'hadija. They also focus on these actions as immoral and thus shows tint in the whole religion.

However, Kecia in her book brings out the past and modern literature analysis. She shows how the differing opinions have come to be interdependent over the years (Kecia, 2014, p52). They both make individuals to understand the religion and the prophet himself. Moreover, she ignores the wrong or right characteristics of the prophet. She only focuses on the truth that may be depicted from the various analyses.

The book has an interesting contribution to the field of study of Islam and more specifically, of Prophet Muhammad. It allows researchers to approach the subject with an open mind. They can now form their opinions without using biased research of both past and modern authors. Furthermore, the book helps to focus on the relevant research on the life of the prophet and Islam. It keeps away the unnecessary information that has been written about the subject for many years now.


In conclusion, the life of Prophet Muhammad is an interesting read. Its analysis is efficient and useful to any research. However, the author fails to answer questions that concern many people. If Prophet Muhammad was a paedophile, what happens to his image? Are humans meant to ignore it like past writers? The answer to these questions shows the major weakness of the book.
However, dispelling all the notions of past writers and focussing on the truth of life shows the works of an amazing writer. Her analysis and conclusions show well-researched works. It also shows people may correct past errors about the depiction of his life. The corrections bring out unbiased approach to the subject and the field. Lastly, its well-written chapters and paragraphs entices all readers. It offers a better understanding of the often-confused religion. Moreover, it helps to provide a new truth to the life of the prophet and his teachings. It helps to focus more on his life than focussing on the ill-versions of some of his lifestyle choices. Focusing more on the truth provides a deeper and profound understanding of the religion, the prophet and teachings of Allah. The focus of the truth is the ultimate aim of the book in which Kecia presents magnificently.

Please rewrite it again and talk in positive way, make sure you write the page numbersIhighlight them and see if there are any thing else to fix

Ali, K. (2014). The lives of Muhammad (1st ed.). New York: Havard University

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