
Revolutionary road is a novel by richard yates and was


Revolutionary Road is a novel by Richard Yates and was originally published in 1961 and revised several times with the 6th edition being in 2008. The book follows a couple, Frank and April Wheeler, as they go through life as a couple who has settled into a suburban life style. Frank believes his profession is not suited for him and April is tired of living her life as a housewife.

Neither is happy where their current lives are taking them so they create plans to move to Paris and start over. While contemplating their move and announcing their plans, they are met with various obstacles and clichés from others on how it will not pan out.

The main plot of the story is the unhappiness of both parties and the extremes they go to change their fate. In the middle of all this there are side plots of infidelity, gender roles, and living the American dream.

The novel takes place in the 1950s where gender roles were pretty black and white. The husband is encouraged to work and provide for the family and the wife is expected to be home taking care of the house and children.

April Wheeler comes up with a plan for the family to move to Paris and she will be the sole bread winner while Frank contemplates his passions and decides what he wants to do as a career for the rest of his life. This is addressed as a bad idea by friends and family due to the times that the novel takes place in.


Gates, R. (2008). Revolutionary Road. New York: Vintage Books.

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