
Reviews literature related to the unifyingoverarching them

1. Title Page: Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.

Table of Contents:  Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.

Abstract: The abstract is limited to 200 words, and highlights the purpose, method (literature sampling strategy), major finding(s) from analyses, and conclusion.

Introduction: Identifies the student's specific literature review topic, explicitly articulating a unifying, overarching theme that will guide the project.

The section should include:

Background and contextual information related to the unifying/overarching topic.

Definitions of major concepts and theories.

Identification of the four core areas of psychological specialization examined in the project.

A brief discussion of each area's relevance to the overarching theme of the project.

A purpose statement.

Literature Review: Reviews literature related to the unifying/overarching them within the core specializations identified. The focus of the literature review is to determine how the topic has been addressed in the available research literature, extending knowledge in the field by synthesizing research literature from the core areas within the primary topic.

Provide a current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to the specific topic, integrating the core specializations. Summarize the general state of the literature on the topic. The literature review section should begin with a description of the literature search strategy including (not limited to):

Keywords used

Databases searched

Years included

Results yielded

Results excluded

The following should be included in the literature review section:

Research studies should be summarized with detail, including the findings, how they were obtained, and any biases and limitations affecting the findings.

Significant or noteworthy similarities and differences among core areas and the unifying theme should be highlighted.

Provide critical analyses of available research literature.

Conclusion that summarizes the section.

Discussion:Articulate the importance of the findings of the literature reviewed; explain why these findings are important to the field of psychology. Make recommendations for future research based on the literature reviewed and explain the rationale for the recommendations.

This section should include:

Synthesis of the research literature, redeveloping conceptualizations of existing paradigms, or proposing new paradigms.

Extending of knowledge through the integration of the literature review findings.

Supported recommendations for future research.

Conclusion summarizing the major elements of the project.

References: Includes a complete reference list, formatted to APA 6th edition standards.

Rubric: Additionally, attach a copy of the project rubric. Assess yourself, labeling clearly where you feel you fall on the rubric in each area for your work as it currently stands. This is intended to help you focus on the components as you will be assessed on them, to evaluate your own progress so far, and to allow you and your instructor to dialogue about where improvements are still needed.

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Other Subject: Reviews literature related to the unifyingoverarching them
Reference No:- TGS02232972

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