Problem: Provide a summary of the data you collected while reviewing the patient's information to the discussion board. John is a recently retired 69-year-old man with a 2-year history of type 2 diabetes. Usual Diet Recall: Breakfast: 1 large banana and 1 large orange, 2 pieces of toast with butter and SF jelly, Coffee with milk. Lunch: Sandwich (on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, 1 tbsp mayo, ~4 oz turkey or ham), chips (small bag of lays), 16 oz orange juice Dinner: Pasta, rice or potatoes ~ 2 cups, salad ~ 1 cup with Italian dressing - 2 Tbsp, 2-3 slices of bread with butter (1-2 tsp per slice), meat/chicken or fish ~ 6 oz serving, usually will have corn or peas as well ~ 1/2 cup. Does not eat "sweets". Includes only one snack per day before bed- 1 piece of fruit usually a large banana with ~3 pieces of whole wheat bread with peanut butter (~2 Tbsp in total). Drinks water throughout the day about 6 cups.