
Reviewing the essay

Please write 2-3 pages review for the essay described below.

As you write and revise, assess other components in your work:

• Thoughtfully considers and responds to counter-arguments

• Thoughtfully applies rhetorical appeals

• Utilizes and explains relevance of outside sources

• Word choice and tone appropriate to academic writing/audience

• Structure of argument is thoughtful, persuasive, and appropriate

• Carefully developed transitions to connect ideas, paragraphs, and sentences

• Finished draft has few errors

• All components of process thoughtfully completed

• MLA formatted and cited

Essay-Argument of Definition:

As you drive in your car listening to the radio, you may recognize the songs being played. If you flip through the stations the same song is playing again! The reason for this is because the majority of music played on the radio is classified as "mainstream". Mainstream music can be frowned up by certain social groups, but can also be loved by others, but what exactly is mainstream music? Is it pop, rap or even dub step? Is Taylor Swift or First Aid Kit mainstream? The songs by artists like Justin Bieber and Taylor swift are considered main stream because their music is on the charts, known by the population, and is current. These three categories can be used to determine whether or not the music you listen to is considered "mainstream".

For a song or artists to be considered mainstream, one of the components is that it has to be on the charts. By saying music needs to be on the charts to be main stream means that it should have been highly ranked by sites like Billboard top 100, or even on popular t.v stations like MTV Music Countdown. The current number one artists on Billboard isMacklemore. His song has been the no. 1 song for the past four weeks. There have been many other artists who have had their songs as the number one hit for multiple weeks, or have had a great deal of airplay, but that isn't enough to determine if it is main stream. There are charts just for country music, or other genres. Therefore part of being considered mainstream is being on the charts for the pop and rap genre. Not only are this genre of songs the ones that are heard on radio stations like z100 and 105.1 the buzz (popular Portland, Oregon radio stations) the also fall into the appropriate chart category.

Just because a song has made it onto the charts, doesn't mean it is considered mainstream. Artists could have a number one hit, and still not be known. One hit wonders are a prime example of this. In order to be considered as mainstream music the artist and their work must be popular. For example, the song "Hall of Fame" by The Script made it on to the billboard charts as number 25 on Billboard.com's Hot 100 List, however, The Script is not a band known by the general population. Often times a song is known only by sound, but not by the artist's name or song title. Unless a song like "single ladies" by Beyoncé can be recognized by the song and artist, it cannot be considered mainstream. The popularity of the song includes both being listen to by the masses and/or recognized by the general population. Once again pop music is generally what is considered mainstream. After all "pop" does stand for popular!

The third and final characteristic of mainstream music is that it is current. Every generation has a different style of music. Music is always evolving and changing, but the music that is currently being followed by a generation is mainstream. Dub step is a growing music trend. It is becoming more and more popular but is not current. It is not receiving a lot of airplay or radio stations, or in the media. Being current fits well with being on the charts and popular. The music of today's youth is what is current. The vast majority of those listening to the radio are probably between the ages of 12-30's. An article written by Pamela Kay found on Helium, discusses how the older generation has its own idea of what music should be comprised of. The theme found in music from say the 80's has different messages for that time period. An example given is one of Rod Stewart's song, "the Killing of Georgie". It was about a murder of a gay man, but was not offensive. What was a current theme then has evolved into singing about the same thing, except is offensive. In today's culture singing about sex, getting money, and love interests is a current theme throughout pop and rap. Although this is a great example explain how message and context is important in making a song current, singing about sex, money and love isn't the only popular message. A majority of the time a good beat and something to dance to is what is current and being produced by the music industry.

Not all music that is on the charts, popular, and current is pop music. There are many different genres of music and different "levels" of being mainstream. A common trend in music that is mainstream is that it falls into the genre of pop and rap, however there are many other artists that have become mainstream, but aren't pop singers. Ed Sheeran is a perfect example. Sheeran, currently on tour with Taylor Swift (a mainstream artists), is in fact a folk/soul/acoustic singer. He has on the charts, popular and current. He received his fame from his song "The A Team", which he received a Grammy for this year. He has since become even more famous from his duet with Swift herself. As you can see different genres can fall under the category of mainstream, as long as they fall into the three categories defining mainstream.

Defining the style of artists can be difficult, especially if they perform multiple genres. Having an understanding of a common term like "mainstream" can make it much easier to describe to someone the type of music you either enjoy or dislike. Mainstream music can be difficult to define, because everyone has different music styles, but if the song you like has the three characteristics mentioned, it is a mainstream song. Even when the songs that are loved and listened to by most fade away, the songs the new songs being played will be considered mainstream. As styles change so do the charts, popularity and current messages of songs.

Work Cited Page:

Ed Sheeran, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Sheeran

Kay, Pamela. October 3, 2007, Helium: "the music of the young: why the older generations turn it off".


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