Reviewing induction plan and materials used by school


Begin this field experience by reviewing the induction plan and materials used by the school to onboard new teachers. Collaborate with your principal mentor to identify a new teacher who is willing to provide feedback about his or her teacher induction process. If you and your principal mentor are unable to identify a new teacher, locate a teacher with less than three years of teaching experience.

Include the following questions in your interview with the new teacher:

  • What did your induction include?
  • How beneficial was the induction in:
  • Setting up your classroom
  • Getting ready for and starting the first day
  • Managing your class and students individually
  • Understanding the school culture, mission, and vision
  • Getting to know other faculty and staff
  • What went well?
  • What could be improved?
  • What do you know now that should have been included in the induction plan?
  • Ask at least two more questions of your choice.

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Reference No:- TGS03421139

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