
Review your outline and organize your information into a

YouTuve Video : Syllogism, Mood, and Figure

Setting Started: Evaluating Your Argument

This is a challenging question. First, students must understand the following terms.

Logical Fallacy: Flawed logic can crumble the foundation of the paper's logos. Errors in logical reasoning are called fallacies and they should be avoided in all academic writing.

Syllogism: This term refers to Aristotle's simple formula for developing logical premises and conclusions.

Students may learn more about these two concerns in An Introduction to Logic and Syllogism found above in the prompt. Click the link to download this pdf document.

Thread 2: Instructions

First - Review your outline and organize your information into a shorter outline that communicates your thesis and your three claims. For each claim, students should supply 1-3 details that offer evidence; you will find this information in your outside sources. Follow the model that you see in the prompt. When supplying evidence, make sure to give credit by including citation.

Second - Study the following document; it is accessed by clicking the link of the same name in the instructions for the thread: An Introduction to Logic and Syllogisms. This document features a list of logical fallacies, common errors in logic or reason that weaken an argument.

Third - Study your claims and evidence. Compare these to the discussions surrounding fallacy and syllogism found in the document that you studied in step two. Then, describe any weaknesses that you find in your argument.

Fourth - Respond with any questions that you might have about your argument's plan.

Prepare: As you prepare to write your first discussion for this week, complete the following:

Read An Introduction to Logic and SyllogismsPreview the documentView in a new window

Watch Syllogism, Mood, and Figure

Review the grading rubric for this discussion

Reflect: Before drafting your initial post, take time to reflect on the rhetorical situation and the appeal to logos in your paper. Have you given logic and reason enough emphasis? Are you concerned about fallacies in your work? Think about your argument, its claims, and the supporting evidence. Have you developed a logical argument supported by credible evidence?

Write : Utilize your outline to make a list of every claim and all supporting evidence for your argument thus far, keeping an eye on the appeal to logos. Each claim should be written by you in your own words and should introduce a part of your unique argument. Paraphrase  or summarize your supporting evidence and include a proper APA-style in-text citation . You may include multiple pieces of evidence for each claim.

List your thesis statement, claims, and evidence in the following format:

Thesis statement: Write your single-sentence thesis statement here.

Claim: Write your first claim in a complete sentence here.

Evidence: Paraphrase or summarize your source and cite it here (Sample, 2015).

Evidence: Paraphrase or summarize additional sources that support this claim and cite them here as 2., 3., 4., and so on (Sample, 2015).

Evidence: If you feel the need to use a quote, "add it to the list with proper quotation marks and the appropriate in-text citation containing the page, section, or paragraph number in the original source" (Sample, 2015, p. 22).

Claim: Write your second claim in a complete sentence here.

Evidence: Paraphrase or summarize your source here (Sample, 2015).

Evidence: Continue to paraphrase and summarize your sources for each claim (Sample, 2015).

Claim: Continue to write your claims in complete sentences.



In 200 to 300 words, compare your claims and evidence to the common fallacies described in "An Introduction to Logic and Syllogisms."

Describe any fallacies you locate and describe how you will remove those fallacies this week.

Describe how your claims logically support your thesis statement as well-supported premises.

Be sure to use the correct vocabulary when discussing fallacy: Slippery slope, hasty generalization, post hoc ergo propter hoc, either/or, ad hominem, etc.

End your post with any questions or concerns you have regarding the appeal to logos, the use of supporting evidence, the role of claims in an argument, or fallacies.

Please review the Week Three Discussion 1 Initial Post TemplatePreview the documentView in a new window before writing your response.

Respond to Peers : In 125 to 200 words each, respond to at least two classmates. In each response, begin by addressing your classmate's questions and concerns. Then, review the list of claims and supporting evidence for possible fallacies.

State whether your classmate's claims effectively support the thesis statement and explain why. Share your thoughts on the research selected to support the list of claims. Has your classmate provided enough evidence?

Be sure to follow up with classmates who respond to your post. Utilize feedback from this discussion as you revise your paper outline and compose your rough draft.

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Dissertation: Review your outline and organize your information into a
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