Review video-the day the world took off

Discuss the below:

Part 1 Industrialization (one page)

Watch documentary, on the origins of the Industrial Revolution. The film challenges traditional views of one of the most dramatic periods in human history.

Video: The Day the World Took Off

In a 200 word response, state your opinion of the video. Why did industrialization take off in Britain as opposed to another like the Ottoman Empire? What kinds of changes happened in society? Were these good or bad?

Support your stance with direct references to this source and/or other relevant primary or secondary sources. Document all material that has been quoted or paraphrased using APA format.

Part 2 Personal Analysis - Your Life During Industrialization ( one page)

This assignment provides another opportunity to use your imagination and historical facts in personal analysis of what life was like during the Industrial Revolution.

Place yourself in England at the time of Industrialization. In 400-450 words, describe how the changes in society and culture affect you. To which social class do you belong? What is your occupation? How have advances in technology impacted your daily life?

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