Review video-milgrams 1960s work and browns pseudo


Milgram's 1960s work and Brown's pseudo re-creation in 2007

On You Tube there is a video experiment called the Heist, I tried to hyper link the web site but it did not hyper link. In 2007, actor/reporter Darren Brown re-created Stanley Milgram's famous Obedience to Authority experiment as part of his United Kingdom television series, The Heist.

The Heist.

1). After viewing the 11 minute video, what surprised you most about the participants?

2). Do you think the results would be similar if re-created, here, in the United States?

3). Why or why not?

4). Finally, what implications do Milgram's 1960s work and Brown's pseudo re-creation in 2007 have on our understanding of the human condition?

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced

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