Review video - bedhons industry webinars

Assignment Task:

From the webinar presentation

YouTube Video: BEdHons industry webinars (Wed)

1. Using the link above, describe who presented and the topic and discuss what two key messages or ideas stood out for you.

2. Discuss some of the key ideas that stood out for you from the webinar presentation and draw connections from these to:

  • Key ideas or learnings for the theories, readings, philosophies, activities presented in the module; (positivism, behaviourism, pragmatism, interpretivism, and constructivism)
  • To your own existing knowledge and experiences in the education context.
  • Explain in what way these ideas connect to content you are learning about in the module and provide, what have you learned from the webinar and discussion, what is the relevance of this new knowledge.

3. Critically discuss what action or change can result from this experience and learning FOR YOU; what can you take forward from this into your personal or professional life)

4. Reference list

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Reference No:- TGS03365095

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