
Review video-american tongues full documentary


Please watch the movie (parts 1 and 2) and write 250 words about what you have learnt from the movie.


Go on Youtube and type on "American Tongues Full documentary" and click search

Then click the first video which is titled, "American Tongues 1"

You are going to be directed to the first 25 minutes of the film.

After that first part of the film is over on the right hand side of your youtube page there should be an "American Tongues 2" video, if there isn't just type that in the search box.

That will then be the second 25 minutes of the film.

Below are the exact links.

American Tongues 1 Link:


American Tongues 2 Link:


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Macroeconomics: Review video-american tongues full documentary
Reference No:- TGS01831450

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