
Review - tough approach that might work

Assignment task:

"A Tough Approach That Might Work" by James C. Morton "The Economic Cost of Depression" by Gary Lamphier - Writing test 1.

1. Read the provided article.

2. Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences in response to ONE of the writing topics provided.

3. Before writing your paragraph, it is recommended that you prepare an outline or rough draft of the points you plan to use

4. Use academic writing style. This means that you should avoid the first- and second-person voice, slang, and contractions.

5. Refer to the reading a maximum of two times to back up your ideas.

6. Paraphrase all reading references (restate the information in your own words). Do not copy directly from the article.

7. Acknowledge the author and/or source when referencing the reading. For example, begin your reference with a lead-in phrase such as In the reading, Morton points out ..., or According to the reading,....

8. Cite all reading references using APA in-text citation formatting. (Review our lesson on Referencing Using In-text Citations (APA Style 7th Edition) from CLASS 5.)

9. Spend time on post-writing. (For example, read over your writing and make improvements to your grammar and content.)

10. Refer to the Paragraph Writing Rubric for more details. Marks will be awarded for structure, development, vocabulary use, documentation, and grammar

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English: Review - tough approach that might work
Reference No:- TGS03402124

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