
Review this case as you prepare your initial post to this

Review this case as you prepare your initial post to this week's discussion forum. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling? Why or why not.

Some say this decision opens the door to abuse by police officers meaning they will use the decision to inappropriately target people.

Also, find some current events that pertain to this case, and be prepared to cite and summarize those news stories in your post. Your initial post should include... Give an overview of the decision of Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968).

Look for some cases that have made the news in the past three months regarding this topic.

Provide a brief summary and include your thoughts about how you would have handled the situation if you were on the case. What factors would impact your decision?


An experienced police officer observed two men outside a store. Several times, the men walked up to the store window, peered inside, and then walked away.

The officer found this behavior suspicious and suspected the men of planning a robbery of the store. At trial, the officer also testified that he thought the men may be armed.

The officer approached the men and identified himself as the police. When the men merely mumbled answers in response to his inquiries, the officer grabbed Terry (defendant), spun him around, and patted down his outer clothing to determine whether Terry was armed.

The officer discovered a gun in Terry's coat pocket. The officer then conducted the same type of pat down of the other man and discovered a gun on him as well. Both men were charged with carrying a concealed weapon and Terry was convicted.

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Operation Management: Review this case as you prepare your initial post to this
Reference No:- TGS02736736

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