Assignment Task:
Before you begin writing, review the worldview classification models. Choose which model and which specific categories resonate with you. Think about evidence from your daily life that supports this categorization. You may also consult the data collected as part of the student survey. Make notes to yourself about yourself.
Begin writing: Identify your worldview. This should be written in your own words, not technical jargon (that comes later). Describe your approach to the world and human interactions.
Give one or more real experiences that epitomize your worldview and support the case you just made above.
Technical time: briefly summarize the classification model you used to categorize your worldview. Treat the reader like a novice and explain the scheme as well as how it applies to you. Most likely you will need a citation here to support your explanation because, as far as | know, none of you is the original author of a worldview classification model.
More technical jargon: develop your own theory to explain why your worldview is that way. Become the analyst to your own psyche and explain why you view the world the way you do. Think of varying levels of influences that we have discussed in class. For example, do you think you acquired your worldview from vertical and/or horizontal transmission? Were lessons explicitly stated or implicitly presented? Did you learn from direct experience, from observation, or from narrative?
There is no additional research requirement for this paper. However, you are always welcome to read more on a topic. Regardless, any research or theoretical material you incorporate into your paper (and there will be some) should be cited appropriately. Use APA format for all citations in the body of your paper and include separate reference list at the end, this does not count against your page limit.