
Review the world regional geography


Geography 102: World Regional Geography : Review slide assignment Prof. John-Henry Pitas

Description: This assignment tasks you with creating a 1-slide presentation with notes that reviews a concept from class. You will go beyond simply defining the concept by using a real world current or past event as art example. A sample is shown on Blackboard.

Purpose: This assignment will help you review past course content in general while you look for a topic, and then in particular zoom in on something you are interested in, or want to learn more about. These topics will also be a good option to use during the final writing assignment.

Requirements: To get full points you must do the following:

• Select a topic from class that we have covered in the past. This could be a key term that is listed in bold in the textbook. or one that was mentioned during the lecture screencasts.

• Create a 1-slide presentation using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or LibreOffice Impress (or you- choice of programs really, so long as I can access It easily).

• In a separate word document, create the "notes" for your presentation. This is where you write what you would say if you were to give this slide as a presentation in front of the class, or as an oral presentation. This should be no less than 190 words, and probably not much more than 250 words long.

• You will present at least 2 references in APA format, one of which may be the textbook. The other should be from reputable news sources (eg New York Times, BBC, NPR, etc}, or other appropriate sources. Feel free to email me about this.

You are having trouble with picking a topic, finding sources, or organizing your slide see me during office hours and we can go over some successful strategies for this assignment and others.

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History: Review the world regional geography
Reference No:- TGS03179577

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