Create a word limit of 200 to 300 words, share your chosen research topic and write a few sentences on each of the following:
Chosen Topic: The American public has recently rallied to ask for body cameras to be mandatory for all police officers to provide evidence of misconduct in controversial cases. Others have argued that body cameras should be required to provide evidence of proper police action when officer actions are questioned. Critics, however, have raised concerns that body cameras violate privacy laws and statutes. Argue whether police body cameras a solution for officers in the United States risk a violation to the privacy of American citizens, or otherwise impact the relationship between law enforcement and the community.
1. Share the kind of argument you hope to make and why.
2. Identify five to ten keywords for your library research and explain your choices.
3. Write a single-sentence thesis statement for your research paper. Explain your development process and how you used the
4. Two-Minute Tutorial: Thesis Statements. Be sure to compare it your work to the Thesis Checklist.