Review the videos in resources examine how a moral compass



Ethics when viewed in the context of an organization as a priority will be engrained in the culture of the institution. The organizational culture will be reflected in the organization's vision and mission, and then aligned with its strategies and goals.

Write a two-part paper in which you address the following:

Part 1: After reading the journal articles resources, list at least 6 positive organizational culture characteristics that you feel are necessary to ensure ethical behavior. What can an organization do to promote ethics within its culture?

Part 2: Review the videos in resources. Examine how a moral compass can be effectively applied in an organization to promote ethical behavior. Provide an example that is pertinent to a company or organization where you are a stakeholder.

Support your paper with minimum of three scholarly resources that you have researched in addition to using at least three of the required resources listed for the activity - for a total of six references.

Length: 6 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Required Supporting Videos below and in attached Zip Folder


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Business Management: Review the videos in resources examine how a moral compass
Reference No:- TGS02384770

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