Developing a Positive Classroom Climate
As you have learned, creating a positive environment that values and promotes social and emotional development and prosocial skills is foundational to positive guidance. This week's video program presents one early childhood professional, Head Start teacher Robert Recio, explaining how he creates a positive climate.
Review the video program, "Developing a Positive Classroom Climate." As you watch, consider how Recio:
Creates a positive classroom climate
Uses positive discipline
Models responding to children as individuals and being aware of their unique needs
Fosters prosocial skills.
Post a response to the following:
Share your thinking about two of the points above
Keeping in mind what you have been learning about child guidance and prosocial skills, describe what stood out for you as you watched Recio and other teachers interacting with children, family members, and each other, and explain why.
Resources to use:
Course Text: Marion, M. (2015). Guidance of young children (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 3, "Understanding Child Development" (pp. 71-84)
Chapter 4, "Supportive Physical Environments: Indirect Guidance" (pp. 79-110)
Chapter 10,"Aggression and Bullying in Young Children" (pp. 266-288)
Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Developing a positive classroom climate [Video file]. Retrieved from
Optional Resources
Article: "Improving Preschool Classroom Processes: Preliminary Findings from a Randomized Trial Implemented in Head Start Settings"
Paper Excerpt: "Child Care Social Climate"
Article: "What are Prosocial Skills?" by Kelly Pfeiffer
Article: "Fostering Prosocial Behavior in Young Children" by Kathy Preusse