
Review the video about business ethics

Discuss the below:

1: After watching the video about business ethics, it is clear that ethical behavior in business and the rules are very important. Business ethics have developed into standards of moral and ethical responsibility, not only in the United States but also around the world. "Ethics" is a set of principles used to determine what is "right" when it comes to the conduct or behavior of an individual. This includes individuals who are acting on behalf of a business entity. In this Hub, as we consider the meaning of basic concepts in business ethics, it is important to also look at ethics from the standpoint of the individual. After all, business ethics, sometimes referred to as corporate ethics, is simply the application of the same types of ethical principles used to determine "right" conduct of individuals that is transferred to professional settings.

2: I think that ethics can play a significant role in the success of a business in many areas in both a positive and negative manner. When a business has ethical leadership and a culture that is accountable for ethical decisions, the impacts can be felt in many areas. Increased morale from ethical decision making and social responsibility, the development of organizational trust and trickle down effects like positive branding, increased credibility, etc. On the other hand, unethical behavior in business can have organizationally crippling impacts. Anywhere from legal issues, to poor morale, loss of trust and employee retention issues, to financial impacts of having to market to new customers when old customers leave due to credibility issues.

Building an ethical framework is will contribute to a better work culture, and more importantly, will lead to making better decisions that will positively impact both internal and external stakeholders.

3: Very well said in your post. You stated things that I was gonna say. Ethics is like snowboarding, after you know the basics of snowboarding you don't fall as much. However, there are some chances that you will fall through like too much speed or you increase your trail rank without being ready for it. I view ethics in this way because we are human and there will be days that we will break our business ethics and not show any ethics at all. For example, a sales employee has a major headache and is in a depressing state. A customer is ranting and want to return an item without a receipt. So, with all the ranting and in a depressing state with a headache, the employee snaps and tells the customer that "without the receipt, they cannot take the item back" in a strict and firm voice. So, most customers will take this as a insult and rant to a supervisor. Now the employee was following protocol but the way that the employee told the customer was not professional. There will be times during our professional careers that we do forget to use our ethics but we will still follow the protocols and guidelines.

4: I agree many businesses does have rules about what employees can say about the business on social media. My employer does not allow you to post or take pictures with the company's logo in the picture. You are allowed to post in social media about the business. However, you can not post anything negative about the business or the customers. They do monitor social media sites daily. If you post anything bad about the company you could get terminated.

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Business Law and Ethics: Review the video about business ethics
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