Review the unbroken ground film

Assignment task: Please Watch the Unbroken Ground film 

YouTube Video: Unbroken Ground | A New Old Way to Grow Food

1. Based on what you learned from the film, define regenerative farming, regenerative grazing, and restorative fishing in your own words. I am not looking for one specific "right" answer, but your response should be thoughtful and should show me that you watched the video.

2. The film's description on YouTube says, "Most of our food is produced using methods that reduce biodiversity, decimate soil and contribute to climate change. We believe our food can and should be a part of the solution to the environmental crisis - grown, harvested, and produced in ways that restore our land, water, and wildlife." Describe one way that food production could improve each of biodiversity, soil health, and our response to climate change.

3. What did you find to be most interesting about the film? Be specific.

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Reference No:- TGS03352449

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